Sermons by Jared Via (Page 8)

Sermons by Jared Via (Page 8)

Tragedy and Glory

John 11:1-46 The Purpose A purpose in the waiting A purpose in the pain A purpose in the miracle TRUST THE SHEPHERD God is too good to be unkind and He is too wise to be mistaken. And when we cannot trace His hand, we must trust His heart. Charles Spurgeon

Vision and Mission 2022

Vision: To reach our valley with the hope that is only found in Jesus. Mission: To see every person changed by the gospel, trained in the gospel, and sent out with the gospel. The local church is a group of Jesus followers who gather together, commit to one another, and partner for the mission of God. 1. What is Partnership? Covenant Membership Provides: 1. Commitment – Linking arms together. “We’re in this mission together, I’m not going anywhere.”2. Community – You can’t be all God designed for you to be by…

Bringing Good News

Luke 2:10-11 Good News Great JoyHappiness is based on what’s happening around us. Joy is based on what’s happening within us. All PeopleGod’s plan is to take the gospel to all people – through his people.

The Glory of God in a Manger

Core truth 1: In the Old Testament:  God made a provision, to temporarily dwell with His people. “In the Old Testament, the glory of the Lord was the visible manifestation of the excellence of God’s character.” Wayne Grudem The glory of God is the greatness of God seen visibly. Core Truth 2: In the New Testament:  God became the provision, to eternally dwell with His people. God provided the tabernacle to be with usUntil in Christ he would come to usAnd…

The Light for the Blind

John 9:1-41 A miraculous encounter with the Light. An opportunity to respond to the Light. “We draw people to Christ, not by loudly discrediting what they believe, or by telling them how wrong they are and how right we are, but by showing them a light so lovely, that they want with all their hearts to know the source of it.” Madeleine L’Engle We all tend to minimize our sin. We all tend to doubt the wisdom of God’s law.…

The Soul Satisfying Work of Christ

John 7:1-52 The Feast of Tabernacles / Feast of Booths Two main purposes: Remember Israel’s time in the wilderness Thank God for His provision (Past and Present) Intentional and meaningful: Each morning, water would be drawn from pool of Siloam and poured over the alter in the temple. Reminding them of God’s provision of water in the desert. Each evening, torches were lit to commemorate God’s leading of His people with a pillar of fire by night. Throughout the entire…

The Authority of the Word

John 5 The man receives healing The Son receives authority. Authority over the sabbath Authority to give life Authority to give judgement The Father receives glory. Are we glory absorbers or glory reflectors? Do we seek and keep glory for ourselves or do we seek and send the glory to God? Do I primarily live for myself or do I live for Him?

Missions Updates

Jared gives us an update from his mission trip to the Dominican Republic and Brenda Crim speaks about the ministry of Alaska Missions.

The Significance of the Signs

John 2:1-22 Sign – a proof or distinguishing mark by which something is made known. Jesus’ signs were significant displays of power that point beyond themselves to the deeper realities that could be perceived with the eyes of faith. D.A Carson 7 Signs in John: Water into wine (Chapter 2) Heals officials son (Chapter 4) Heals paralyzed man (Chapter 5) Feeding of 5000 (Chapter 6) Walks on water (Chapter 6) Gives sight to the blind man- (Chapter 9) Raises Lazarus…

The Word of God

John 1:1-18 The Nature of the Word (John 1:1-5) The Purpose of the Word (John 1:9-13) The Coming of the Word (John 1:14-18)