Words from the Cross

Words from the Cross

Word of Completion

Jesus is risen and we serve a risen savior! We celebrate that the greatest enemy of our lives, sin and Satan, has been totally and finally defeated.

Words of Trust

We do live in a difficult, trying time. For followers of Christ, this is a time for us to grow closer to God. It’s a time for us to shine the light of Christ as we trust in Him.

Words of Forgiveness

The theme of forgiveness is woven all throughout scripture and it culminates in the event of the cross. That is where Jesus went to the cross bearing the sins of the world in order that we might have forgiveness.

Jesus was the Righteous Sufferer

The God of the universe carried out a plan in time and space that bought redemption for any that put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ. God’s perfectly righteous son bore a punishment meant for the worst of criminals. That’s the scandal of the cross.