Sermons by Jared Via (Page 10)

Sermons by Jared Via (Page 10)

Empty Pursuits

In this series on Ecclesiastes we try to get the right set of lenses to look at the situations that are in life. This week in Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:26, we look at empty pursuits of life. The Empty Pursuit of Pleasure – Ecclesiastes 2:1-6 The Empty Pursuit of Possessions – Ecclesiastes 2:7-8 The Empty Pursuit of Position – Ecclesiastes 2:9 The Empty Pursuit of Purpose – Ecclesiastes 2:12-23

Specific Praise

Psalm 103 is a psalm of praise. In it, David is very specific in his praise of God. In verses 1-3 he begins with praising God for who He is and praising God for what He does.

Unless God Builds the House

For Mother’s Day we spend some time digging in to God’s plan for the home found in Psalm 127. The family was God’s idea. He has specific goals and a mission for our families and we need to submit to his plan.

The Nearness of God

David is walking through a deep and dark moment of life in Psalms 13:1-6. In the depths of that moment that he cries out to God asking “Where are you?” We may have felt that way sometime too but just because we’re feeling that way doesn’t mean that those things are true. So in those moments of deep sorrow we need truth to anchor us.

Word of Completion

Jesus is risen and we serve a risen savior! We celebrate that the greatest enemy of our lives, sin and Satan, has been totally and finally defeated.

Words of Forgiveness

The theme of forgiveness is woven all throughout scripture and it culminates in the event of the cross. That is where Jesus went to the cross bearing the sins of the world in order that we might have forgiveness.

The Importance of One

Every time we see the apostle Andrew in the Bible he is pointing someone to Jesus. He was just one ordinary person, who went after one person at a time, and brought them to Jesus.

Subtle Sins

As humans we’re quick to see the sins of others but not so much the sins in our own heart. You might say that we have blind spots. God uses other believers to shine light into areas of our hearts that we don’t always see ourselves.

We are launching a second service starting on Easter. Join us at 9:00am or 10:45am.