Sermons by Jared Via (Page 15)

Sermons by Jared Via (Page 15)

Family Focused Worship

Today we are joined by our children during the worship service. Our youth lead the singing and Silent Light Discipleship Ministries shares the Gospel through mime. Jesus has a heart for the hurting, broken, outcast, destitute, and the poor. We see in John 7:53-8:11 Jesus’ amazing compassion in his response to a woman caught in the act of adultery. She didn’t need a condemner. She didn’t need a coddler. She needed a compassionate Savior. We also see Jesus’s heart for…

Divine Disappointment

Circumstances of life often lead to discouragement and disappointment. But God is still on the throne. Disappointments come when we expect from God what He never promised or when we forget the things that He has.

What is Love?

What is love? We see it all around us. Candy companies, florists, and marketers would have us believe that love somehow involves material things. Today we will discuss what love is, where it comes from, and what it looks like.

His Way, His Timing, His Power

God was going to deliver his people and he was going to use Moses to accomplish it. But deliverance would come in His way, in His timing and in His power.

Reaching the lost

Our vision and goal is to reach our valley and beyond with the hope that is only found in Jesus.

Hope Foretold and Fulfilled

Jesus is our hope foretold and fulfilled. We will look through the Word to see exactly how God fulfilled the promise of a coming Messiah.