Sermons by Jared Via (Page 13)
Is Jesus Your Lord?
With the new year comes resolutions of things we want to see changed. If we’re not careful they can become self centered: “What I’m going to accomplish for myself”. A good question as we start the new year is: How can I glorify God this next year?
Remember Why He Came
It is important to remember the reason why Jesus came. He didn’t come to receive accolades or popularity. He came to seek and save the lost. The true miracle of Christmas is that Jesus came to pay a price we couldn’t pay.
Tis the Season for Worship
This time of year we hear the phrase “tis the season” all the time. It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of the Christmas season and miss what it is all about: King Jesus. Today we focus our hearts and minds on worshiping Him: tis the season for worship.
Joy and Peace
In Philippians 4:4-9 Paul says to rejoice in the Lord always. We can be joyful in the midst of sadness or loss because our hope is in Jesus. God can work in difficult situations to produce something good out of it, for His glory. How can we fight anxiety? We fight anxiety with prayer and thanksgiving. (Philippians 4:6) We fight anxiety with a new mindset. (Philippians 4:8) We had a time of public thanksgiving to the Lord at the end…
The Call for Unity
In Philippians 4:1-3 Paul says that the church must stand firm in the Lord and walk in unity with one another for the sake of the gospel.
One Thing I Do
Looking back on your life are there things that you wish you would have done differently? We all have those things. If we’re not careful we could fall into a pattern of discouragement. In Philippians 3:7-16 Paul tells us we need to stop looking back and look forward to Christ.
Risking It All
There are many who like the idea of following Jesus, but there aren’t many who are willing to risk everything for Him. The big question for us: am I willing to risk it all to follow Jesus? God uses surrendered people.
From Riches to Rags
We hear and often celebrate stories of people who go from Rags to Riches. Movies are made and books are written about people who came out of poverty to make millions and went from obscurity to the heights of popularity. But the Gospel tells a different story. It’s a Riches to Rags story where the Son of God leaves the riches and glories of heaven, takes the form of a servant, and gives His life for their sake of all mankind.
Who do you live for?
In Philippians 1:19-26 we see the apostle Paul’s perspective on the life: there is something more to live for. He is living for what comes next, not for what is right now. What is the driving purpose of your life?
Haiti Mission Trip
Today we heard from the team that went to Haiti about how God used them in a variety of ways to further his kingdom. Jared spoke about how the mission field isn’t just someplace that we fly to, but it is all around us. The great commission in Matthew 28:19-20 can be translated “As you are going, make disciples…”