Sermons by Kevin Meadows (Page 9)
The Relief of Forgiveness
Psalm 32:1-11 A guilty conscience takes a toll (Psalm 32:3-4). God will forgive us when we acknowledge and confess our sin (Psalm 32:5). When there is no confession, the waters pile up behind the dam, creating immense pressures on the wall, but as soon as the floodgate is opened, the waters subside and the pressures diminish. Peter Cragie, Word Biblical Commentary: Psalms 1-50 (Columbia: Word Inc., 1983), 267. God is the way out of the problem (Psalm 32:6-7). Surrender is…
A Plea for Revival
Psalm 80:1-19 How to pray for a warped society Appeal to God’s sovereignty (Psalm 80:1-3) Appeal from brokenness (Psalm 80:4-7) Appeal for God’s personal intervention (Psalm 80:8-19)
What is Man?
Psalm 8 1. Man is made (Psalm 8:5a).2. Man is the crown of creation (Psalm 8:5). Western society has lost sight of God. It no longer sees man as a creature made in God’s image, whose chief end is “to glorify God and enjoy him forever.” It has eliminated God from its collective conscience. But then, because it no longer looks to God to derive its sense of identity and worth from him, it looks in the only other direction…
Communion Service
Psalm 78:1-81 Corinthians 11:23-28
The Stronger Man
Mark 5:1-20 Jesus has power and authority over demons… Demons seek to impair people from reflecting God’s image. Jesus will come to the depths of uncleanness to save. People reject Jesus’ power. Jesus saves AND sends.
The Wind and the Sea Obey Him
Mark 4:35-41 We can have confidence during crisis. Great storms can seemingly rise out of nowhere. We may feel fear and despair when Jesus is unresponsive. Jesus controls the chaos. The presence of God with us is more awesome than the chaos around us.
Withered Hands and Hard Hearts
Mark 2:23-3:6 Reference: Deuteronomy 23:24-25 Proposition: Beware of manufactured religious rules 1. God’s gracious gifts can be warped into man-made burdens (Mark 2:27). “Jesus’ point in saying the Sabbath was “made for man” was that it is a gift from God to His people, a gift to keep them from wearing out their bodies, their animals, their servants, and their fields. However, the rabbinic tradition had turned the Sabbath from a great gift to a laborious burden. People had to…
Cleansing the Living Dead
Mark 1:40-45 Jesus has authority over uncleanness. We are unclean from disease (40).– Isaiah 64:6 – Psalm 36:1-2– Lev. 13:45-46 Jesus will cleanse you (41-42). Jesus took our place as the outsider (43-45).
Reflecting on Christ’s Death
Mark 15:15-47
When Christ Returns
Revelation 19:1-20:15 Rejoicing in Heaven (Revelation 19:1-10)Matthew 24:29-30 The Second Coming (Revelation 19:11-21)Zechariah 14:122 Thessalonians 2:8 The Millennial Kingdom (Revelation 20:1-10) The Great White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15)John 5:22-23 Though many have attempted to find some scriptural way to avoid the doctrine of eternal punishment, as far as biblical revelation is concerned there are only two destinies for human souls; one is to be with the Lord and the other is to be forever separated from God in the lake…