Sermons by Kevin Meadows (Page 12)

Sermons by Kevin Meadows (Page 12)

God’s Kingdom

Psalm 145:1-21 is a Psalm about God as a king. This Psalm teaches us several things about God’s kingdom: God’s reign is cross-generational (Psalm 145:4-7). God’s reign is merciful (Psalm 145:8-9). God’s reign is testified by the saints (Psalm 145:10-13). God’s reign is compassionate (Psalm 145:14-20).

From Complaining to Confidence

We begin a sermon series looking at some of the Psalms. We’re starting by looking at a psalm that is actually in the book of Habakkuk. Habakkuk has an attitude of facing the next coming day with an attitude of resilience.

Words of Trust

We do live in a difficult, trying time. For followers of Christ, this is a time for us to grow closer to God. It’s a time for us to shine the light of Christ as we trust in Him.

Jesus was the Righteous Sufferer

The God of the universe carried out a plan in time and space that bought redemption for any that put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ. God’s perfectly righteous son bore a punishment meant for the worst of criminals. That’s the scandal of the cross.

A Biblical Perspective on Mental Illness

Because we live in a sin cursed world and because of the fall, our physical minds, bodies, and emotions are tainted and corrupted by sin. However as believers in Christ we have a dual message of hope both for now and for the future and we can pass that along. We don’t have to despair or to decide like the rest of the world often does that because someone suffers tremendously there’s no hope for them. There’s great hope for them.

Redeemed Sexuality

We are starting a new series on difficult topics we’re calling “Elephants in the Room”. Today we’re talking about redeemed sexuality. The Bible has a lot to say about sex.

A Refuge from Wrath

Nahum prophesied about God’s wrath falling on Nineveh. We may not want to think about God’s wrath and judgement, but a universal reckoning is coming where God will dispense justice just as he did to Nineveh. The refuge Nahum talks of is God himself.

The Wonder of Christmas

In Luke 2 as the shepherds told the story of what they had seen and heard the people hearing it were in wonder. Not the scratching your head type of wonder, but the sense that something magnificent had happened.

Gospel Minded Giving

Sometimes we may think that generosity is something for other people to do. But the reality is that we all can give generously to the spread of the gospel. We see exactly this in Philippians 4:10-23.