Sermons by Kevin Meadows (Page 12)

Sermons by Kevin Meadows (Page 12)

The Sabbath: Rest for the Weary

The fourth commandment is “remember the Sabbath to keep it holy”. We must keep God’s progressive revelation throughout time in mind. Pastor Kevin walks us through scripture as we study the Sabbath.

The Second Commandment: You shall not make for yourself a carved image…

Exodus 20:4-6 The Second Commandment forbids idolatry. The Second Commandment reveals God’s commitment to His people. Why was idolatry attractive? 1. Guaranteed2. Selfish3. Easy4. Convenient5. Logical6. Pleasing to the Senses7. Indulgent8. Erotic:[1] The Second Commandment is broken by: Fashioning our own gods Fashioning God according to our own ideas The Lord speaks to the people out of the fire, a powerful image, something bright and visible, capable of being seen and illuminating; but it is also dangerous and untouchable, a…

Power of God: Looking Up

Have you ever had a time of unforgettable, spontaneous, life changing worship? After Israel miraculously crosses the Red Sea in Exodus 15:1-21, we see Moses lead them in a spontaneous time of celebration and worship to the Lord.

Christ, Our Passover

During the passover the Israelites applied the blood of a spotless lamb over their door to be protected from God’s judgement. Christ is our passover lamb.

Divine Enablement

We see in Exodus 4 that God’s divine enablement makes our excuses invalid. When God calls us to do something, he attaches a promise that He’s going to equip us to do it.

We are launching a second service starting on Easter. Join us at 9:00am or 10:45am.