Sermons by Jared Via (Page 16)
Giving Thanks – Psalms 100
Today we will go through Psalms 100 and consider our call to worship, our call to have perspective, and our call to give thanks.
In All Circumstances
God calls us to be thankful in all circumstances. We will unpack what this means today and hear an update from Jared about his trip to Burma.
Parable of the Unforgiving Servant
Today we will discuss the parable of the unforgiving servant and how a refusal to forgive is evidence that you don’t really understand your own sin against God and what it means to have that sin forgiven.
The Prodigal Son, part 2
Today as we look into the story of the prodigal son, we look into the older son’s response. Particularly we will be looking at religious legalism vs the Gospel.
The Prodigal Son, part 1
Jesus was a friend of sinners. He received people where they were, so he could take them where they needed to be.
His Way is Better than Mine
Storms will come in life. But when you’re in the midst of the storm, remember who He is, remember what He has done, remember that His way is better than ours.
Vision, Mission, and Core Values
Hope Valley: vision, mission, and core values
The Non-Negotiables, part 2
Today we continue to explore several non-negotiables of our faith: Sin and God’s plan of salvation.
Faith is Demonstrated by Our Prayers
Seek the face of God. Pray for the will of God. Trust the purpose of God.
Faith is Demonstrated by Perspective
It’s not just about adding the words “Lord willing” to OUR plans.
It’s about directly seeking the will of God for HIS plans.