The Appearances of the Risen Christ
1 Corinthians 15:1-8
Fork in the Road
Mark 15:42-16:8 The resurrection demands a response
The Journey to the Cross
Matthew 21:1-11
Culture Shock
Acts 18:24-19:41 The gospel is superior…
And Such Were Some of You
Acts 18:1-23
Night Flights, Book Worms, and Hoity Toities
Acts 17:1-34 Gospel proclamation provokes various responses.
What Must I Do to be Saved?
Acts 15:36-16:40 What does it mean to Believe?
The Church Business Meeting That Went Well and Accomplished Something
Acts 15:1-35 It is a settled fact that salvation is by grace through faith apart from the Law.
Through Many Tribulations
Acts 13:1-14:28 Paul’s first missionary journey:
Nothing Stops God
Acts 12 God exercises His Divine prerogatives