Faith on Trial
Acts 24-26 Share God’s Story
Love Defined, Demonstrated, and Desired
1 John 4:7-12
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Acts 21:37-23:35 We must trust God when we have no control over our circumstances.
I Signed up for This
Acts 21:1-40 Paul was ready to suffer and even die for the name of Jesus
True Grit
Acts 20:1-38 Proposition: Church leadership is gritty work
The Appearances of the Risen Christ
1 Corinthians 15:1-8
Fork in the Road
Mark 15:42-16:8 The resurrection demands a response
The Journey to the Cross
Matthew 21:1-11
Culture Shock
Acts 18:24-19:41 The gospel is superior…
And Such Were Some of You
Acts 18:1-23