Family Focused Worship

Family Focused Worship

Today we are joined by our children during the worship service. Our youth lead the singing and Silent Light Discipleship Ministries shares the Gospel through mime.

Jesus has a heart for the hurting, broken, outcast, destitute, and the poor. We see in John 7:53-8:11 Jesus’ amazing compassion in his response to a woman caught in the act of adultery.

  • She didn’t need a condemner.
  • She didn’t need a coddler.
  • She needed a compassionate Savior.

We also see Jesus’s heart for the outcast in the story of blind Bartimaeus from Mark 10:46-52. Jesus stopped in the midst of the crowd to heal a man that everyone in the crowd was trying to silence. Bartimaeus’ response was to immediately follow Jesus.

Jesus had eyes that saw the broken, ears to hear their cries, and He had a heart of compassion to do something about it.

We are called to be like Jesus. Sometimes we hear someone crying out and think that somebody else will help them. Or to see someone hurting and think there’s nothing that we can do.

Our challenge is to respond as Jesus did.

God Reigns


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