His Way, His Timing, His Power

His Way, His Timing, His Power

Exodus 2:11-22

When we take things into our own hands, good things don’t happen.

In this passage Moses took things into his own hands. He thought he would be Israel’s big savior, but it doesn’t happen that way. He has to flee for his life.

God was going to deliver His people and He was going to use Moses to accomplish it. But deliverance would come in His way, in His timing and in His power.

Hebrews 11:24-25
Acts 7:20-25

Moses ends up in the desert for 40 years. But God hasn’t given up on him. God is preparing him for what’s next.

What does this tell us about our trust in God? Do we trust His timing? His heart? That He knows what’s best for us?


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