Gender Roles: Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

Gender Roles: Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

Genesis 1:27-28, Genesis 2:18-25, Ephesians 5:22-33

God created man and woman: 

  • God created them in His image.
  • God made them male and female.
  • God made them equal and distinct.
  • God made them for each other.

Roles of Men and Women in the Family

Egalitarianism – Men and women are equal in worth and value and there are no role distinctions in the home or the church.

Complementarianism – Men and women are equal in worth and value and have been given different yet equally valuable roles.

Submission doesn’t mean blind obedience.
Submission doesn’t mean inferior.

Biblical headship is the divine calling of a husband to take primary responsibility for Christ-like, servant leadership, protection, and provision in the home.

Responsibility of husbands: Love, Lead, Provide and Protect like Christ does the Church.


  • Do you lovingly and willingly yield to the leadership of your husband?
  • Do you pray for your husband?
  • Do you model respect for your husband in front of your children and others?
  • Do you build him up, or tear him down?
  • Do you seek to honor God, by the way you love your husband? 


  • Do you domineer over your family? Or do you lead them?
  • Do you pray for your family? Do you pray with your family?
  • Do you lead them spiritually? Do you lead in family worship/devotions.
  • Do you model sacrificial love? Do you put your wife’s needs before your own?
  • Do you seek to honor the Lord by the way you love and cherish your wife?


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