Faith is Demonstrated by our Response to Temptation

Faith is Demonstrated by our Response to Temptation

Sin will take you further than you wanted to go, keep you longer than you wanted to stay, cost you more than you wanted to pay.
Message taken from James 1:13-18
1. The Truth about Temptation: 
We are responsible.
2. The Process of Temptation:
Temptation is the enticement to fulfill a God-given desire in a God-forbidden way.
  1. Desire
  2. Deception
  3. Disobedience
  4. Death
3. The Result of Temptation: 
  • Sin is deceitful
  • Sin is devastating
  • Sin is deadly
How can we resist temptation and kill our sin?
  1. Live in His Word.
  2. Run from the opportunity.
  3. Remember that Jesus is better!


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