Sermons from 2022
You Shall Call His Name Jesus
Matthew 1:18-23
The Birth of Christ Manifested Peace
Jesus is the Prince of Peace sent from God, who made the way for us to have peace with God, and experience the peace of God. Luke 2:8-14
The King of Christmas
Matthew 2:1-12 The birth of Jesus manifested the King.
Showdown at Shinar
Genesis 10:1-11:32 God towers over human efforts.
Hope in the Promise of God
Genesis 8:18-9:28
Escaping the Flood of Judgment
Genesis 6:9-8:19 We must express our fear and love for God by obeying His instructions. God sees sin and judges it. God supersedes natural laws whenever it serves His purposes. God keeps His promises.
The Historical Accuracy of the Genesis Flood … Science or Religion?
Genesis 6:14-21, Genesis 7:1-6, Genesis 7:11-24 Analysis of Major Flood Objections How could all the animals fit? The Size of the Ark The Number of Animals Where did all the water come from? Catastrophic Plate Tectonics
The Coming Judgement of God
Genesis 6:1-14 Who are the “sons of God” and the “daughters of man?” Human beings Angels The Wickedness of Man The Judgement of Sin The Redeeming Grace of God