Sermons (Page 16)

Sermons (Page 16)

The Resurrection of the Son of God

John 19:38-20:31 Proposition: The resurrection of Jesus demands awe. Belief at the empty tomb (20:1-10) Belief when seeing (20:11-29) Belief from testimony (20:30-31) So what? The resurrection vindicates everything Jesus claimed and taught. The resurrection changes the trajectory of lives. The hope of reunion is founded upon resurrection, of which Christ is the first fruits. Union with Christ and familiarity with His resurrection power enables me to live righteously.

The Centrality of the Cross

John 19:16-37 The Purpose of the Cross: Why did it happen this way? The Power of the Cross: What did Jesus accomplish? Prophecy Fulfilled: John 19:23-24 – Gambling for the garment – Psalm 22:18 John 19:28-29 – Thirst and sour wine. – Psalm 69:19-21 John 19:31-37 – No bones broken, He will be pierced. – Zechariah 12:10; Psalm 34:19-20 The Power of the Cross: What did Jesus accomplish? Tetelestai – “it is finished” – “complete, finished, accomplished, paid in full” Uses of Tetelestai in the ancient world: Art…

God in the Hands of Angry Sinners

John 18:28-19:16 Proposition: Jesus is the King of Truth The Jews prosecuted Him (John 18:28-32). Pilate examined and distanced himself from Him (John 18:33-19:1). The soldiers humiliated Him (John 19:2-11). The Chief Priests blasphemed Him (John 19:12-16).

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

John 18:1-40 Six events identify Jesus as our Good Shepherd: The Boldness of Jesus The Identification of Jesus The Protection of Jesus The Purpose of Jesus The Injustice against Jesus The Isolation of Jesus

Glory in a Hostile World

John 17:1-26 Jesus prayed for His glorification (John 17:1-5). Jesus prayed for the eleven’s sanctification (John 17:6-19) Jesus prayed for the church’s unification (John 17:20-26). Proposition: Jesus accomplished the means for us to share union with God. What problems does it solve? [1] Identity—Who am I? Destiny—Where am I headed? Purpose—What should I be doing? Hope—What can I hope for along the way? [1] Rankin Wilbourne. Union with Christ: The Way to Know and Enjoy God . David C. Cook.…

The Need for a Helper

John 15:18-16:33 The Work of the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit Comforts (John 14:16) The Holy Spirit Convicts (John 16:8) The Holy Spirit Leads and Guides (John 16:13) The Holy Spirit Reveals the truth of God (1 Corinthians 2:10-11, John 16:13) The Holy Spirit Dwells with and in believers (1 Corinthians 3:16, John 14:16) The Holy Spirit Empowers us share the gospel (Acts 1:8) The Holy Spirit Gives spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:7-11) The Holy Spirit Seals the lives of…

Abide in Christ

John 15:1-17 True followers of Jesus abide in Him. True followers of Jesus bear fruit. The command of Jesus is not to bear fruit. The command is to abide in Him, and the fruit comes as a result. “Abide” from the Greek – meno – to remain, to live, to stay. It expresses: A permanent condition A continual condition Literally: “The one abiding” – represents a person who is permanently and continuously abiding in the Lord. Abiding: Stay in His Word Remain in His love…

Encouragements for the Harsh Realities of Life

John 14:1-31 We can face life confidently.. We have a home with the Father (John 14:1-7) We have a purpose for the Father (John 14:8-14) We have a paraclete from the Father (John 14:15-26) Our Lord in His rightful place with the Father (John 14:27-31)

Humble Servanthood

John 13:1-38  Big idea: Jesus served humbly, gave sacrificially, and loved unconditionally.  In response, a believer must make these 3 commitments:  As Jesus served, so will I As Jesus gave, so will I As Jesus loved, so will I Philippians 2:3-11 1. Jesus Served Humbly This event is going to serve as both a symbol and an example.A symbol of spiritual cleansing.An example of humble service.  1 John 1:8-9  2. Jesus Gave Sacrificially Luke 22:19 3. Jesus Loved Unconditionally

Live by Faith

A BELIEF is something that you hold to be true, usually without proof Your beliefs INFORM your faith, but they are not the content of your faith FAITH is a confident assurance in the character and nature of God Pisteuō – To be persuaded, to rely upon, to trust, a fully assured and unswerving confidence