Don’t Give Your Heart to Sodom
Genesis 18:1-19:38 Proposition: Give God all your heart
How Well Do You Wait?
Genesis 16:1-16 Waiting on the Lord Requires Faith
How do I Know I Can Believe God?
Genesis 15:1-21, Genesis 17:1-27 We can believe God: God gave Abram tokens of assurance:
Failure Isn’t Final
Genesis 13:1-14:26 Failure isn’t final, because God is faithful.
Faithful in our Fear
Genesis 12:1-20 God is faithful when we panic
Consecration and Surrender
What is God calling me to give my life to? Vision: To reach our Valley with the Hope that is only found in Jesus. And see lives transformed by the grace of God. Mission: To see every person: Changed by the gospel, Trained in the gospel, and Sent out with the gospel. The local church is a group of Jesus followers who gather together, commit to one another, and partner for the mission of God. We Partner together: Our giving:
Confidence for the Unknown
Psalm 27:1-14 God’s presence gives us confidence for the future.
You Shall Call His Name Jesus
Matthew 1:18-23