Sermons by Kevin Meadows (Page 3)
Staying on Mission
Acts 5:1-42 Proposition: We must stay on the mission of preaching and teaching Jesus The mission is to preach and teach Jesus for the conversion of souls and their development into Christ-likeness.
Simple Church
Acts 2:42-47 The early church was simple and potent.
The Power of Pentecost
Acts 2:1-13 The Day of Pentecost took new significance.
Needy People
Matthew 7:7-12 A flourishing life acknowledges needs and pursues God to meet them.
Worry is a Cruel Master
Mathew 6:25-34 Disciples must not worry about the Father’s care.
The Right Kind of Prayer
Matthew 6:7-15
Extra Mile Discipleship
Matthew 5:31-48 We must integrate godliness.
The Continuing Authority of the Old Testament
Matthew 5:17-20
The Distinctiveness of a Flourishing Life
Matthew 5:13-16 The flourishing life is distinct