Sermons by Jared Via (Page 2)
Consider Eternity
Psalm 39:1-13
The God Who Forgives
Psalm 32:1-11
A Song for the Nations
Psalm 67:1-7 Missions comes from the overflow of a heart that has been changed by God.
The Mission Continues
Acts 28:11-31
Faith on Trial
Acts 24-26 Share God’s Story
I Signed up for This
Acts 21:1-40 Paul was ready to suffer and even die for the name of Jesus
The Appearances of the Risen Christ
1 Corinthians 15:1-8
The Journey to the Cross
Matthew 21:1-11
And Such Were Some of You
Acts 18:1-23
What Must I Do to be Saved?
Acts 15:36-16:40 What does it mean to Believe?