Ten Commandments
Do not Covet … Controlling Desires
Today we wrap up our series on the ten commandments by looking at controlling our desires: do not covet.
Ninth Commandment: Do Not Lie
For the most part, our culture has expected and understood that everybody lies. Sometimes it is to get ahead at work, to make people think better of them, to keep themselves out of trouble, to get a better grade at school, etc. However, nobody enjoys being lied to.
Seventh Commandment: Do Not Commit Adultery
God has not called us to impurity, but in holiness (1 Thessalonians 4:3-7).
The Sixth Commandment: Do Not Kill
Exodus 20:13 Human life is sacred. God is the Lord of life. Life must be protected. An angry hearts break the sixth commandment. Jesus is the refuge for our angry heart.
The Fifth Commandment: Honor your father and your mother
God has placed parents in the home with the responsibility and authority to lead, love and teach their children how to love and follow God. Therefore, honor your father and your mother.
The Sabbath: Rest for the Weary
The fourth commandment is “remember the Sabbath to keep it holy”. We must keep God’s progressive revelation throughout time in mind. Pastor Kevin walks us through scripture as we study the Sabbath.
The Third Commandment: How we carry His name
The name of God reveals and represents His nature and character.
The Second Commandment: You shall not make for yourself a carved image…
Exodus 20:4-6 The Second Commandment forbids idolatry. The Second Commandment reveals God’s commitment to His people. Why was idolatry attractive? 1. Guaranteed2. Selfish3. Easy4. Convenient5. Logical6. Pleasing to the Senses7. Indulgent8. Erotic:[1] The Second Commandment is broken by: Fashioning our own gods Fashioning God according to our own ideas The Lord speaks to the people out of the fire, a powerful image, something bright and visible, capable of being seen and illuminating; but it is also dangerous and untouchable, a…
The First Commandment: You shall have no other gods before me
Today we begin a series looking at the ten commandments. They reveal God’s righteousness and our sinfulness. They reveal to each and every person that we are sinners in need of a Savior.