John (Page 3)

John (Page 3)

The Word and the World

John 3:1-36 There is no middle ground on Jesus A new birth is necessary to enter the kingdom of God (John 3:1-15). Belief in the exclusive Light is necessary to receive eternal life (John 3:16-21). Everyone must take a back seat to Him who is above all (John 3:22-36).

The Significance of the Signs

John 2:1-22 Sign – a proof or distinguishing mark by which something is made known. Jesus’ signs were significant displays of power that point beyond themselves to the deeper realities that could be perceived with the eyes of faith. D.A Carson 7 Signs in John: Water into wine (Chapter 2) Heals officials son (Chapter 4) Heals paralyzed man (Chapter 5) Feeding of 5000 (Chapter 6) Walks on water (Chapter 6) Gives sight to the blind man- (Chapter 9) Raises Lazarus…

Witnesses to the Word

John 1:19-51 Witness #1 – John the Baptist (John 1:19-34) Witness #2 – Andrew (John 1:35-42) Witness #3 – Philip (John 1:43-45) Witness #4 – Nathanael (John 1:46-49) Witness #5 – Jesus (John 1:50-51)

The Word of God

John 1:1-18 The Nature of the Word (John 1:1-5) The Purpose of the Word (John 1:9-13) The Coming of the Word (John 1:14-18)