Acts (Page 2)
The Church Business Meeting That Went Well and Accomplished Something
Acts 15:1-35 It is a settled fact that salvation is by grace through faith apart from the Law.
Through Many Tribulations
Acts 13:1-14:28 Paul’s first missionary journey:
Nothing Stops God
Acts 12 God exercises His Divine prerogatives
Should We Be Called Christians?
Acts 11:19-30 The Antiochan believers were called “Christians” because Jesus was their Lord.
The Global Heart of God
Acts 9-11 In God’s plan to save the world:
Persecutor to Preacher: What Changed Saul?
Acts 9:1-31 The real Jesus transforms people.
New Mission Fields
Acts 8:1-40 God scatters servants for the purpose of the mission.
Serving Christ to the End
Acts 6:1-7:60 This passage provides for us two important lessons: A fully devoted servant of Christ:
Staying on Mission
Acts 5:1-42 Proposition: We must stay on the mission of preaching and teaching Jesus The mission is to preach and teach Jesus for the conversion of souls and their development into Christ-likeness.
Empowered and Emboldened
Acts 4:1-31 The Disciples were Empowered by the Holy Spirit to be: