Vision, Mission, and Core Values

Vision, Mission, and Core Values

This week we explore the vision God has given us for Hope Valley, our mission and core values.

To reach our valley with the hope that is only found in Jesus and see lives transformed by the grace of God. 
To see every person:
Changed by the Gospel
Transformed lives by the grace of God
Trained in the Gospel
Growing in knowledge and obedience
Sent out with the Gospel
Disciples making disciples
Core Values:
  1. Glorifies God Supremely
    We were created by God and for God, and want everything we do to bring honor and glory to him.
  2. Proclaims Jesus Boldly
    Jesus is the hope of the world and so we lift up and proclaim His name above all others. We are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ and we carry His name boldly.
  3. Teaches Biblically
    The Bible is the authoritative word of God and it is the foundation we stand on. We teach His word without apology and without compromise.
  4. Focuses Missionally
    Jesus has given us a clear mission, and this mission serves as our filter for everything that we do. This means sometimes we say “no” to “church” programs so we can focus on the mission.
  5. Gathers Intentionally
    God designed us for community. We gather together in large group worship and small group Hope Communities, and we do so with a purpose to cultivate a growing relationship with Jesus.
  6. Multiples Locally and Globally
    We are called to be a church that gathers and scatters. As a scattering church, we desire to make disciples and start new gospel-centered churches in our valley and throughout the world.
Partnering with a Local Church:
We are a church that Gathers and Scatters.
If you only gather – you miss mission
If you only scatter – you miss community
Acts 2:42-47
Membership or Partnership:
Membership as a partnership.  You are not joining an organization, you are partnering with believers on a mission.
Covenant Membership Provides:
1. Commitment
2. Community
3. Care
4. Accountability


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