The Third Commandment: How we carry His name

The Third Commandment: How we carry His name

The Name of God
Exodus 20:7

His name reveals and represents His nature and character.

Psalm 99:1-3
Psalm 34:3
Psalm 96:1-9
Psalm 111: 3-9
Acts 4:11-12
Philippians 2: 9-11

Take: use, carry, bear
Vain: meaningless, useless, trivial, empty, light or small

Two categories for how we can take his name in vain – or misuse his name.

1. We take his name in vain (in how we speak)

  • When we use it casually, carelessly or mockingly.
  • When we attach His name to things that He hasn’t.
  • When we use it to accomplish our own purposes.

Don’t use God’s name if it isn’t:  Prayer, Praise,  or Proclamation

2. We take his name in vain (in how we live)

  • When we call ourselves Christians and we don’t live it. (Romans 2:21-24)
  • When we live for our own name instead of His.


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