The Beatitudes

The Beatitudes

Matthew 5:1-12

8 Characteristics of a Blessed, Flourishing Life

1.  Blessed and flourishing are the poor in spirit
Heart Check: Do I see my heart accurately? Do I try to justify myself? Do I recognize where I would be without Jesus?

2.  Blessed and flourishing are those who mourn
HEART CHECK: Do I weep over the sin in me and around me? Am I broken over the brokenness of this world?

3.  Blessed and flourishing are the meek
HEART CHECK: Do I assert my own way? Am I gentle in my disposition?

4.  Blessed and flourishing are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
HEART CHECK: Is my life marked by a desire for righteousness? Do I see the world for what it is? Do I long to see Christ’s righteous rule and reign in my world?

5.  Blessed and flourishing are the merciful
HEART CHECK: Am I forgiving towards those who have wronged me? Do I show mercy and kindness to others, even my enemies?

6. Blessed and flourishing are the pure in heart
HEART CHECK: Do I know what’s in my own heart? Do I pursue holiness in my life? Does God have my whole heart?

7. Blessed and flourishing are the Peacemakers
HEART CHECK: Am I a quarreler? Do I stir up strife? Do I run from conflict, or do I take the conflict to Christ? Am I an agitator or peace maker?

8. Blessed and flourishing are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake
HEART CHECK: Am I willing to suffer abuse, dishonor, insults, mockery, persecution, for the sake of Christ and the gospel?


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