Justice and Mercy

Justice and Mercy

2 Thessalonians 1:5-12

The very troubles and afflictions that the world heaps on believers become, under God, the means of making those believers what they ought to be. When we have come to regard suffering in this light, it is not to be thought of as evidence that God has forsaken his people, but as evidence that God is with them. 

Leon Morris

3 Realities of Hell:

  1. Hell is punishment.
  2. Hell is eternal destruction.
  3. Hell is separation from God.

Hell is an eternal existence in eternal punishment an infinite distance away from God.

Hell was not created for us, it was created for the Devil and his angels.(Matthew 25:41)

So what should our response be? 

  1. We pray – for one another, for those in trials and tribulation.
  2. We plead – with the lost – be reconciled to God!


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