Giving Thanks – Psalms 100

Giving Thanks – Psalms 100

Our Call to Worship

Psalms 100:1-2

3 Specific Instructions for our Worship:

  1. Shout to the Lord – all the earth.
    The Who: not just a calling for some, but all.  God’s heart for the whole world.
  2. Serve the Lord – with gladness
    The How: it matters what’s in our heart.
  3. Come into his presence – with singing
    The What:  More than 100 times in Scripture, we are called to sing!  Colossians 3:16

Call to Perspective

Psalms 100:3
Job 38:4-11

Call to Give Thanks

Psalms 100:4-5

Thank God for…

  1. His goodness
  2. His love
  3. His faithfulness


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