The Sabbath: Rest for the Weary

The Sabbath: Rest for the Weary

Exodus 20:8-11

Today we continue our summer study of the Ten Commandments. The fourth commandment is “remember the Sabbath to keep it holy”. We must keep God’s progressive revelation throughout time in mind. Pastor Kevin walks us through scripture as we study the Sabbath.

  1. The fourth commandment required Israelites to keep the Sabbath Day as a sign of the covenant relationship with their Creator and Redeemer.
  2. The fourth commandment reveals there is more to life than work.
  3. The fourth commandment does not bind us:
    • God’s relationship with the church is different from Israel
    • The Sabbath was never intended to take precedence over people (Mark 2:27-28)
    • Jesus rose on the first day of the week
    • Jesus provides a faith rest for those who believe (Hebrews 4:9-10)


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