Hope Communities

Hope Communities

Our Hope Communities are at the core of everything we do as a church.  Made up of around 10-20 people they are designed to function as “little churches”.   These communities meet in homes once a week and are structured around a three dimensional focus: UP, IN, OUT.   We invite you to join us in fellowship.

What to expect :
A relaxed setting including: a meal or snack, catching up, discussion-based bible study, and prayer. Some nights may focus on service or outreach.

What to bring:
Bible, notebook, pen

Plan on bringing the whole family.  We will dismiss them to another room to play while we have time to study.  Teenagers are encouraged to join the adults for the entire evening.

Click here to find a Hope Community


Worship – We desire to live in such a way that brings honor and glory to God. As we gather together, we spend time in the Word of God seeking to be continually transformed by Him.

Our Hope Communities exist to help one another grow in knowledge of, obedience to, and intimacy with Jesus.


Community Genuine Christian community is marked by love, encouragement, accountability and care for one another.

This is intentional community with the goal to help one another become better disciples of Jesus.


Mission – The central purpose of the church in the world is the Mission of God. Our Hope Communities are the primary way we fulfill this mission and each group has a specific mission target.

These communities are driven by a passion for God and compassion for the lost.
