

The Bible calls us to use our gifts and abilities to serve one another, administering God’s grace in its various forms (1 Peter 4:10).

We believe that belonging to a local church is a partnership in spreading the Gospel. There are a number of ways to do this.

Children’s ministry team*

Serves in one of three age groups: 0-2 (nursery), 3-5 (preschool & kindergarden), 6-11 (grades 1-5). Teachers take the lead in teaching God’s word through Bible lessons, music, games, and example. Teacher Aids assist the teacher with various needs. Arrives early on Sunday morning to arrange children’s rooms, stage necessary materials, and to interact with children and parents.

Welcome/hospitality team

Arrives early on Sunday morning to stage welcome and coffee area. Cleans up foyer area, interacts with guests at the front door(s) and guest station, provides information, personally guides people to where they need to go, and transitions people into the care of the appropriate ministry.

Parking and security team*

Arrives early to set outdoor signage, greets visitors as they find their parking space, and looks out for the safety of children and families throughout the service.

Sound/tech team

Arrives early Sunday morning to help with sound and stage set up, running sound and computer throughout the service. Helps with other various technology needs that the ministries may have. Helps ensure that the gospel is communicated loud and clear!

Praise Team

Helps lead the church in praise and worship to God. Arrives early to set up equipment and instruments and practice before the service. Commits to practice throughout the week in preparation for Sunday morning.

Guest connection and follow-up team

Takes the initiative in connecting with our guests and is intentional during our gatherings to identify and reach out to visitors. Follows up with each guest with a card or phone call. Logging guest contact information into Touchpoint database.

Mission team

Helps keep the mission central in all that we do. Helps identify and facilitate mission opportunities locally and globally.


Not every act of service is easily categorized. Many serve through prayer, hospitality, making meals for families, special projects, and others.

* To protect and care for everyone at Hope Valley Church, background checks will be required for anyone who works with youth and children as well as our security team. The background check form can be printed out here: . Please turn them in to the ministry team leader.
