Be sure to ask the following questions on behalf of your entire group before attending a Worship Service:
- Am I showing any flu-like symptoms?
- Have I had a fever or 100.4 or higher in the past 14 days?
- Have I had prolonged exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19?
- Is there any medical reason why I shouldn’t be around others?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, we strongly encourage you to attend Hope Valley online this weekend. (
Health & Safety
Please enter the building through the main doors at the front of the church. This allows us to control the flow of traffic and limit the number of areas needed to be sanitized between services.
Interior doors to the Worship Center will remain open to limit contact of door handles.
Hand sanitizing stations will be available in the lobby and near the side entrance. We will clean and disinfect frequently contacted surfaces in the Worship Center following each service.
Face Masks
As of May 29, 2020, the Governor of Virginia has said that everyone aged 10 or older should wear face coverings in public buildings. As a result, we are asking each attendee 10 years of age and older to consider wearing face coverings as you attend a church service. We will have face masks available in the lobby for those who do not have their own. If this causes health concerns for you, the Governor has stated that you are NOT REQUIRED to wear a mask. Thank you for your continued faithfulness.
Restrooms in the lobby will be available for use and staff will be on hand to clean throughout the morning.
Social Distancing
In order to maintain the 6ft. social distancing requirement, groups of chairs have been spaced around the worship center. Family members are allowed to sit together and we ask that you sit in a group of chairs closes to the number in your party.
When the service is over, please exit the Worship Service through side doors