Events (Page 19)

Event Series Men’s Book Study

Men’s Book Study

Dominion Drive 2149 Dominion Drive, Christiansburg, VA

Men are invited to participate in a book study, Trusting God by Jerry Bridges. Please plan to meet in the church office on the first and third Mondays each month. Contact Jeff Bird with any questions.

Children’s Ministry Volunteer Lunch

All children's ministry volunteers and your families, please make plans to join us for an appreciation luncheon. We'll be serving pizza, chicken, and salad. We'll briefly be going over some important children's ministry information. If you're not able to attend in person, please see Ruth, Katie or Liz so that we can connect you via Zoom. Please RSVP in the app or here.

Event Series Men’s Book Study

Men’s Book Study

Dominion Drive 2149 Dominion Drive, Christiansburg, VA

Men are invited to participate in a book study, Trusting God by Jerry Bridges. Please plan to meet in the church office on the first and third Mondays each month. Contact Jeff Bird with any questions.