

It’s never too early to introduce kids to Jesus’ love. In our preschool class we do that through teaching age appropriate biblical truths and lessons. We want to partner with you and help your child on their journey with Jesus.

All of our volunteers are screened and background checks are completed.

We have a check in station where we gather personal information and any special instructions regarding your children. During check in, you and your child will receive identification tags to aid in pick up. We know you care about your child’s safety, and we do too.

Preschool and Kindergarden

Preschool and kindergartners are welcomed into their class right before service so that they can enjoy some play time before their lesson. Using the Gospel Light curriculum, children will learn more about the Bible through story times, crafts, songs, and more.

Grade school

Our 1st through 5th graders are dismissed after a time of worshiping through music with their parents. During the class time, they will enjoy lessons from The Gospel Project that are specially geared towards helping them learn more about God’s truths.
