Sermons from September 2019

Sermons from September 2019

A Life Worthy of the Gospel

When we become a Christian we are associating ourselves with a person: Jesus Christ. Not a church or organization. In Philippians 1:27-30 Paul says that our lives should honor the gospel (the death, burial, resurrection of Jesus). So what characterizes a gospel mindset? Uniting to defend the faith Uniting to spread the gospel Encouraging one another Engaging the conflict

Who do you live for?

In Philippians 1:19-26 we see the apostle Paul’s perspective on the life: there is something more to live for. He is living for what comes next, not for what is right now. What is the driving purpose of your life?

Plot Twist

In Philippians 1:12-18 we see good things happening even through bad circumstances, namely Paul being imprisoned. God takes something bad and makes good come out of it; He displays His great works through irony.

Get in on gospel partnership

Gospel partnership means networking with other followers of Jesus to personally tell, pray, and give toward sharing the good news of Jesus. In writing to the church at Philippi, in Philippians 1:1-11 Paul thanked God for their fellowship “in [eis] the Gospel,”. He meant that they were contributing to the spread of the gospel in tangible ways, i.e., primarily through their support. The gospel was not only the environment of their fellowship but also its goal. Had it not been…

Haiti Mission Trip

Today we heard from the team that went to Haiti about how God used them in a variety of ways to further his kingdom. Jared spoke about how the mission field isn’t just someplace that we fly to, but it is all around us. The great commission in Matthew 28:19-20 can be translated “As you are going, make disciples…”

We are launching a second service starting on Easter. Join us at 9:00am or 10:45am.